No Weld Grinder Plans Hard Copy Nearly 50 pages

Set of Plans for the No Weld Grinder-Sander (NWGS)
This manual contains:
- 15 pages of detailed CAD drawings with measurements and materials lists on each drawing. You could easily build the entire NWGS from these CAD drawings.
- In addition to the CAD drawings, there is a 28-page construction manual with:
- Clear BW pictures of various parts of the grinder for visual reference during construction. Nothing tells it better than a picture!
- 5 pages of assistance in selecting the proper motor for your grinder.
- Note: We do not provide wiring diagrams or support for hooking up or wiring your motors. There are simply too many variations to do that. If you don't know how to wire a motor, buy it from a reputable motor shop and they will show you in about 5 minutes how to wire it up.
- 3 pages of information on abrasives including a conversion chart for the different technical standards of abrasives.
- 2 pages of supply sources. every part has multiple suppliers but nearly every single part can be purchased locally.
- No Welding needed!
- No Lathe needed!
- No Machining or Millwork needed!
- 15 pages of clear CAD drawings with measurements and materials list on each drawing.
- Master materials list.
- Quick change tool arms allow multiple attachments to be changed in seconds.
- Plans include tool arms for Flat Platen, Tool Table Rest, Slack Belt, Contact Wheel.
- Very low-cost materials used in the construction.
- Rock solid and vibration free.
- Tool Table Rest design allows tool rest to be used with any attachment.
- The flexible design allows different belt lengths to be used besides 2" x 72".
- No precision thread tapping required.
- Design is a no weld design but the grinder can easily be welded if you desire.
- The flexible, robust design allows you to make changes to customize your grinder/sander to your own needs. If you make tapered tangs on your knives or have wanted to, simply stretch the plans and make a 15" flat platen with ease.
- Can use KMG toolbar arms.
- Hundreds of hours of R&D and multiple proto-type testing went into the design of this very capable grinder/sander.
- Web support with additional pictures and ideas for other attachments via
- Suitable for use in grinding metal and sanding wood. In case you are wondering when you are working with metal, the machine is called a grinder, when you are working with wood, the machine is called a sander.
- 2"x72" abrasive belts are one of the most common and competitively priced sizes of belts. Compare prices on this size belt to any other. If you are using a smaller size grinder/sander. The money you save using 2" x 72" belts will pay for this machine in no time flat.
- 2" x 72" belts have more types of belts available for them than any other size belt. It's no wonder that knife makers and custom woodworkers have settled on this size of grinder/sander.
This is my best effort to estimate costs for building this grinder. The costs listed for the motors are what I paid locally. The costs for the metal are from the charges I incurred locally when purchasing metal for this project. Your costs will probably vary on this slightly but this metal is very competitive business and is surprisingly cheap. The costs for the wheels are what I sell them for on my own web site ( and are accurate at this time. This isn't a guarantee of the costs, it's only a reflection of what I paid when I designed and built this grinder (several times) in the summer of 2007. No tool costs are taken into account but you probably have nearly all the tools already, even in a modest shop.
Cost Projections Break Down:
$25 - Plans (digital $20)
You will save the $25 cost for the plans just by avoiding the trial & error, that I went through building my grinder.
Basic frame (Note: These are just estimates)
$75 - Metal with connecting hardware for the frame and all attachments
$25 - Misc knobs, bushings, etc
$28 - Pillow Block Bearings 5/8" $14 x 2
$128 - Total Frame and all metal for attachments full plans build (no wheels)
$65 - Minimal build flat platen attachment only
Note: Attachments include tool table rest, flat platen, slack belt, contact wheel arms. This is for new metal from the metal yard (scrap) yard. Most scrap yards will let you walk around and find metal they will charge you "surplus" price which is less than a dollar a pound. Wheels for the platen and slack belt attachments are listed below. Save $15 by using bolts for knobs.
PARTS (these are prices that were current at the time of writing this up - 5/19)
Wheels (Prices are subject to change)
$112.08 - 8" poly wheel (smaller wheels cost less, bigger wheels cost more)
$176.00 - 4 x 2"x2" idler wheels for a platen and slack belt attachment ($44ea)
$53.00 - Power Drive Wheel 4" wheel 5/8" shaft bore w/keyway slot
$58.00 - Tracking Wheel 3.5" x 2.5" with bore with bearings
$399.08 - Wheels total cost all attachments
$88.00 - Wheels minimal with just a platen
Power Train:
$160.00 - Motor 1.5hp (New) ($25 to $75 used)
$28.04 - Pulleys 3-step for EACH
$51.21 - Power Twist Link Belt 3' ($17.07/foot)
$15.00 - Switch, wire, connectors, tape, switch box
$10.00 - Extension cord for a power cord
$292.29 = Total for Power Train with a new motor
$182.29 = Total for Power Train with a used motor ($50 Used motor)
I bought a used rebuilt motor for $75 for one prototype by checking the local motor repair places. I made no effort beyond that. There are lots of motors out there and you should be able to find a used or pull for well under a hundred dollars.
There is NO good reason to save $25 here to go with a single speed pulley setup when a 3 speed can be had using the triple pulley setup for $31.
- Best $25 I ever spent in the knife shopI have three of these in my shop. Friends and I have built another 4 or 5 more. I have a welding machine so I weld mine up. No kidding, best $25 I ever spent in the knife shop. If my grinder went down, I would have to build another one. Wait! I have two more. I would just change over to another one and repair the broke one later. Heck... might just build another one to hang form the rafters in the shop. If you are wanting to be serious in knife making you need a 3 wheel variable speed grinder. This will get you started. And they are fun to build.
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