USA Knife Maker, The top supplier of knife making supplies online

When you buy a heat-treating kiln, get a Coupon code emailed for 15% off Heat Treating Supplies!

Handle Material

Material and supplies for knife handles. Includes wood, bone and phenolics.


Choose from our selection of abrasives, we carry 2" x 72" as well as smaller belts and discs.


Metals of all kinds used in knife, mokume and damascus fabrication.


All the tools you need to make any knife your heart desires. Forging tools, anvils, hammers and more.

Knife Blades

Knife blades of all shapes and sizes for making a variety of styles of knives.

Heat Treat Ovens

Choose from our selection of heat treat ovens from Evenheat and Paragon.

Grinders & Sanders

We carry everything for building your own grinder, we also carry complete grinders, supplies and more.

Folding Knife Parts

All the folding knife parts you need for your knife folding project.

Handle Hardware

We warehouse a wide selection and variety of
knife handle parts, and hardware.

Books, Videos, & Plans

A full selection of books & dvds to help you learn everything you need for knife crafting.

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