SHARK HD500 Desktop CNC

- Table dimensions: 16'' x 36''
- XYZ travel: 13'' x 25'' x 7''
- Overall dimensions: 24-1/4''W x 36''L x 24-1/2''H
- New anti-backlash, wear-compensated leadscrews on all axes
- New, stronger interlocking table designed for accuracy and less table flex.
- Detachable, rotating cradles allow different attachments
- Enhanced hardware controllers with expansion ports and pendant ability
- Improved design on Z axis to allow heavier applications (like spindles)
- Reinforced to handle larger routers such as the Porter Cable 890 series or Bosch 1617 series (up to 2-1/4 HP router)
- Adjustable bearings give more stability during heavy cutting X and Y axes have supported linear guides.
- Aluminum and high-density polyethylene construction is designed for heavy use.
- Automatic on and off software control of router Controller box with aluminum case and push button E-stop Pendant control capability included (designed for numeric laptop keypad)
- Mount for router included (router sold separately)
- USB interface Simply supply a PC computer with USB 2.0 port and any of the routers listed below
- Includes the NEW Virtual Zero technology- (requires optional touch plate accessory)
- One year warranty on parts and labor, special shipping exclusions apply.
- Fully compatible with the following routers (sold separately): Bosch 1617 and 1618 Porter Cable 890 Series Porter Cable 690 Series (6902VS must be manually started) DeWalt 610, 616, 618
- Made in USA
The CNC Shark II/HD500® with Color Pendant Controller features a heavy duty gantry reinforced with plate aluminum and a rigid interlocking aluminum table. It has anti-backlash, wear-compensated high precision lead screws on all 3 axis and is built to handle your large 2-1/4HP routers such as the Porter Cable 890 series, Bosch 1617 series or the new water-cooled spindle from Next Wave Automation. (Spindle and Router motors are sold separately) To accommodate even greater torque levels, it features adjustable bearings to give more stability during heavy cutting. Perfect for carving and machining a large variety of projects made from wood, soft metals or plastics. Simply supply a PC computer with USB 2.0 port and any of the routers listed below, connect the USB cable to the controller box and load the software. Includes VCarve Desktop V10 Design software, Vector Art 3D Sampler Pack, and CNC Shark control software.