3M #6006 Multi-Gas Vapor Cartridge for 7000 series respirators - 2pack

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3M Multi-Gas and Vapor Cart


  • fits 5000, 6000 and 7000 series respirators
  • bayonet mount fits dozens of other masks
  • 2 pack

Use these filters when you are working with organic or inorganic materials that give off 'typical' toxic or noxious fumes. If you are working with non-typical solvents or other chemicals you would not normally find in a home or small commercial work shop, consult the 3M web site to make sure these cartridges will protect you. I can't even begin to list here the entire list of what is and isn't covered with this mask. I can tell you I chose this cartridge to sell as it will cover nearly every thing we will run into in our work shops. This is industrial level, top of the line safety equipment.

Some information from the 3M information site:
Use in a variety of applications, including petrochemical and chemical processing, utilities, pharmaceuticals, mining and primary metals. When properly fitted, helps provide respiratory protection from certain organic vapors, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, methylamine, formaldehyde or hydrogen fluoride at concentrations up to 10 times the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) with half facepieces or 50 times PEL with full facepieces. Full facepieces must be quantitatively fit tested to claim assigned protection factor above 10 in negative pressure mode. Not for use in environments that are immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH). OSHA requires that gas-proof goggles be worn with half facepiece respirators when used against formaldehyde.

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